I heard an echo today, an echo amongst the ‘subjects’ of T&T......The Emperor has a band.....The Emperor has a band.....The Emperor has a band and it’s divinely called ‘Divine Echoes Orchestra’. The Emperor has a band and he has set aside 5 million dollars to fund his creation. When I heard this echo I thought to myself never! This could never be.....not when our country is facing a severe economic downturn. I hurriedly purchased an Express to confirm the ‘echoes’ of my fellow countrymen and low and behold, on page 7 of the Express all was confirmed to me. The Emperor has a band.....and it has cost his subjects (taxpayers) 10 million thus far. The Emperor has a band.....with instruments purchased from Miami.....but don’t worry......it’s only to the tune of 1 million!
The Emperor has a band.......and they played at a ‘free public concert’ at Pleasantville East Secondary School last Saturday in the Emperor’s San Fernando East constituency. The Emperor and his Empress along with several royal stooges attended this ‘free concert’. I mused that line over several times.......The Emperor has a band.....and they played at a ‘free public concert’? But how can it be free when the subjects (taxpayers) are footing a $10 million dollar bill for this divine royal creation?! How can it be free when the Express article has indicated that the Emperor intends to spend more on his divine band? Amusing you say? Wait until I hit you the best part!
The Emperor has a band..........but the Emperor is quoted as saying ‘the band would not be a “government” band and while it will initially be funded it would be “weaned” off of state money.’ Hmmmmm....the Emperor has a band that is not a “Government” band......well why the hell are the subjects (taxpayers) footing the bill for this non-governmental creation?! And if it’s not a Government band then what the hell is its purpose? I do recall the Emperor saying he has aspirations of becoming a Pastor? Is he going to become a pastor like one of those big time US Televangelist? Is this the Emperor’s smart man way of starting up the orchestra for his church by using taxpayers money? As a taxpayer can I request that the Emperor’s band plays at my impending birthday party?
The Emperor has a band.....The Emperor has a 10 million and counting band but on the front page of the Express there is a young child from the Beetham no more than 8 years old trying to full a bottle with water from a nearby canal, an image I’m more familiar with seeing on BBC while they are carrying a story on some impoverished African country. The Emperor has a band but the Beetham has had no water for the last couple days. The Emperor has a band......but so sweet is the sound that he does not hear the cries of his subjects residing in the Emperor’s political strong hold. Imagine that....the Beetham which is just on the outskirts of Port of Spain, home place to the Emperor’s Palace yet these subjects have no water.....but the Emperor has a band! A 10 million dollar and counting band!
The Emperor has a band......but subjects are going to have to pay more property tax because there is no money left in the treasury. The Emperor has a band.......but half an hour of rain saw my work place being flooded by water last week in the heart of our city. The Emperor has a band.....but young Stefon De Coteau has to wait until next year to see a neurologist because of our poor healthcare system.....while a cyst grows on his brain. The Emperor has a band.......but so sweet is the sound of his band he did not hear the gun shots that killed 5 people in a party on Sunday nor did he hear the gun shot that killed Sunil Sookdeo at his father’s poultry business. The Emperor has a band......but so intoxicating is its sound that he is incapable of discerning the blatant inefficiency of Martin Joseph....not even if that inefficiency knocks him over in his royal behind! The Emperor has a band.....and so sweet is the sound that he does not hear the cries of the families who have lost a loved one to rampant crime. The Emperor has a 10 million dollar band.....while the local art forms of calypso, soca and steel pan continue to be seriously under-funded and neglected.
Who says this country does not have potential as a tourist destination? We have an Emperor.......and he has a Band. We have an Emperor.......and he has a Palace. We have an Emperor......and he has subjects who live in abject poverty. We are the epitome of the perfect tourist destination........a modern day dynasty.....with all the right components. The Emperor has a band....but so sweet is the sound.....like the Piped Piper he is able to mesmerize and capture the waterless subjects of his political strong holds.....like an infestation of mad rats.....he is able to rally them to his call at any given election.....if only to cast their vote for the emperor.....so sweet is the sound of his band. The Emperor has a band......and I am not willing to sing for him................. ©
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