I see nothing wrong with what Justice Volney did. He is a citizen of this country and he is entitled to his political convictions. He did the honourable thing by resigning, and did so without being asked, he did not wait for anyone to find out that he was contemplating being a UNC candidate, nor did he wait to be 'asked' to resign under a cloud of controversy. He did so on his own volition. Considering the above I'd say Justice Volney has been quite transparent with the public of Trinidad and Tobago.
But considering that Prime Minister Manning has claimed Justice Volney has been under investigation by the security services for some time now, I want to know a couple things. How come the security services did not unearth Justice Volney's UNC dealings? Is this further proof of their vulgar inability at investigative work? Secondly why is the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago aware of a judge being investigated? Isn't that the job of the Police Commissioner and DPP? And if so then why does Mr. Manning have access to such information? Is Mr. Manning interfering with the independence of the security services and Judiciary?
The burning question of them all, how come Mr. Manning did not question Calder Hart’s integrity and still to this day does not question Calder Hart’s integrity, despite the fact that the PNM Attorney John Jeremie has indicated that he initiated a criminal probe into Mr. Hart since late 2009? Why is it okay for Mr. Manning to meet personally with a public figure who is being investigated by the Attorney General and who subsequently leaves the country after said personal meeting with Mr. Manning, but it is wrong for Justice Volney to voluntarily resign as a judge and make it known to all and sundry in a most public affair his intentions of being a UNC candidate?
I do believe our Prime Minister has once again a case to answer.
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