This is an open letter to the managers, chief editors and directors of all media houses in Trinidad and Tobago. As one of the main watch dogs of our democracy it is imperative that an emergency meeting be convened as soon as possible during this week, and agreement arrived to give Mrs. Persad-Bissessar leader of the UNC Coalition, free air time equivalent to that which Mr. Manning hijacked by abusing legislative provisions. It is totally unacceptable for Mr. Manning to be using state resources and legislation to further his agenda and that of the PNM, it amounts to an abuse of power and an attempt to force himself upon the population of this country using unconventional, unethical and undemocratic means.
Selwyn Ryan was on the ball in his Sunday Express editorial when he articulated that MR. Manning is embracing the Burnham Doctrine of using state resources to stay in power. Mr. Manning had the opportunity to engage in a free public debate with Mrs. Persad-Bissessar that would have been aired free of charge for all to see and he and his party chose not to participate. Therefore it is nothing but a disrespect and utter contempt for the electorate that he should now turn around and bully our media into giving him free air time to say what he would have had the opportunity to say and defend if he chose to in a debate, it is cowardice and undemocratic.
The free air time given to Mrs. Persad-Bissessar should not be construed as support for the UNC Coalition, rather it should be seen for what it is, the media fulfilling their role as democractic watch dogs, fulfilling their mandate to the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago by ensuring that our democratic process is not polluted or rigged in favour of power hungry individuals. The events of this past week has been an eye opener and citizens should be of grave concern at the type of governance being proposed by the actions of Mr. Manning. I for one have no intention of waiting for the evening to arrive to find out just how disasterous the day has been, the type of governance being proposed by Mr. Manning does not appeal to me under any circumstances. ©
Selwyn Ryan was on the ball in his Sunday Express editorial when he articulated that MR. Manning is embracing the Burnham Doctrine of using state resources to stay in power. Mr. Manning had the opportunity to engage in a free public debate with Mrs. Persad-Bissessar that would have been aired free of charge for all to see and he and his party chose not to participate. Therefore it is nothing but a disrespect and utter contempt for the electorate that he should now turn around and bully our media into giving him free air time to say what he would have had the opportunity to say and defend if he chose to in a debate, it is cowardice and undemocratic.
The free air time given to Mrs. Persad-Bissessar should not be construed as support for the UNC Coalition, rather it should be seen for what it is, the media fulfilling their role as democractic watch dogs, fulfilling their mandate to the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago by ensuring that our democratic process is not polluted or rigged in favour of power hungry individuals. The events of this past week has been an eye opener and citizens should be of grave concern at the type of governance being proposed by the actions of Mr. Manning. I for one have no intention of waiting for the evening to arrive to find out just how disasterous the day has been, the type of governance being proposed by Mr. Manning does not appeal to me under any circumstances. ©